Construction Technicians Training Institute (CTTI)
CTTI was established in Nov 2002 to provide technical training to the unskilled tradesmen of the Construction Industry and it is parented by National Academy of Construction
This has a multi-purpose aim by which:
2. The value of time, cost as well as quality consciousness is instilled in them.
3. The effort is also dedicated to a social cause as it aims at channelising the potential of the youth as well as providing placement for them.
The National Academy of Construction (NAC) is emerging as the apex body for construction including development of all types of construction resources, technologies and methodologies for completion of projects especially fast track projects.
- The NAC was established in 1998 by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for the holistic development of construction industry of India. It is managed by a Governing Board with Hon. Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh as the Chairman.
NAC, has seven (7) constituent units, out of which CONSTRUCTION TECHICIANS TRAINING INSTITUTE (CTTI) is one of them and is actively involved in imparting high-class training in construction engineering trades like Masonry, Barbending, Plumbing, Electrical and House Wiring, Formwork Carpentry, Welding etc. relevant to the construction industry.
- This Institute (CTTI) has been primarily created, designed and established in Nov 2002 to train and act as a feeder Institute for various categories of tradesmen at par with International Standards who can be usefully employed by various construction companies, agencies and contractors in India.
- As per the statistical studies of the construction industry, there will be ample opportunities for the tradesmen especially when considering the fact that as per the Government policies and WTO agreement there will be stiff competition among the construction companies particularly from foreign origin. Needless to say, the quality of the training, which is to be provided to the candidates, should be of the highest order, so as to furnish them appropriate position in the construction field. A certain percentage of tradesmen employed by the construction companies / contractors are required to have undergone a proper training and skill certification procedure, as conducted by an authorized body like NAC and sponsoring training trades.
- For development of all types of construction resources, technologies and methodologies for completion of fast track projects, NAC has provided all facilities needed for training such as class room s practical training areas, work shops sheds, training aids, tools and stores to the trainees. The uniforms, helmets and stationary are supplied free of cost. Boarding and Lodging is provided to the trainees at a very reasonable rate, which is included in the fees structure. Well laid out Dormitory facilities are provided to the trainees in NAC campus
- CTTI has established appropriate mechanism to monitor the following aims and objectives
- To impart training to Indian youth in Engineering Trades and enlist them into a skilled category.
- To identify the trades and classify training requirements, so as to set standards in Knowledge level and skill level
- To periodically monitor training requirements from time to time (at least once in a year) and keep in step with occupational levels of competency of the technicians who will be deployed in construction industry.
- To provide training in theory, practical on job training with a bias towards work site experience and apprenticeship, so as to develop skills by repetition of activities and faculty to conduct trade tests for certifying / validating the levels of skills acceptable worldwide.
- To set up a modular training institute with well defined layout, infrastructure and curriculum.
- To train the candidate with a view to keep a pool of well trained construction work force to meet the demands of world class construction standards compatible with acceptable worldwide standards of skill, workmanship & productivity.
(a) Having determined the training needs of the construction industry, as explained above, the training in construction engineering trades imparted by the CTTI is based on Modular Employable Skills (MES) syllabus. NAC conducts training through three levels of skills and competency, as defined below:
(b) Skill Level III – Competency in performing a limited range of routine and predictable tasks relevant to the trade under expert supervision.
(c) Skill Level II – Competency in performing a wide range of tasks related to the trade in a wide variety of contexts, most of which may be non-routine and un-predictable. The individual should be capable of shouldering considerable responsibility of controlling, supervising and guiding others in his trade.
(d) Skill Level I- Competency in performing a significant range of tasks relevant to a trade in a limited variety of contexts, some of which may be non-routine. The trainee should be capable of individual responsibility and autonomy.
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