Certificate Programme in Construction Safety


The objective of this Program is to produce a professionally, qualified and trained “Construction Safety Engineering and Management Professional”, who has the required competency to work on a small/ medium or on a majorconstruction site and can be entrusted to assume the following functions : To be responsible for compliance of all statutory obligations of the employer in regard to safety of personnel and structures. To function as a Safety professional on the construction sites and guide and assist the Site Manager/s / Engineers to make their sites safe and accident free. To train personnel in construction safety, conduct safety surveys and maintain safety records and registers for compilation of safety statistics on site. Also has a minimum knowledge in handling first aid cases at site before a injured worker is sent to Hospitals or to the site Medical centre as the case may be.

Admission Process :

Diploma / B.E/ B.Tech candidates of Civil, Mechanical, EEE and Environmental Engineering with an experience of 1 year for Diploma and 6 months for Graduates in the relevant field.

Note:Sponsored candidates or candidate with higher qualification and experience will be given preference.

Intake: 30 students per batch.
Admission process is at the institution level

Fees Payment Schedule :

The schedule of payment of fees is given below
A. Tuition fee: Rs.45,000 payable in two installments
a) 1st Installment: INR 25,000
b) b) 2nd Installment: INR 20,000
c) 3rd Installment : INR 30,000 is payable on or before 20th December, 2018

B. Other fee: Rs.7000/-per candidate towards University fees, Examination fees, Library fees, seminar fees, etc.

Application :

Admission 2024-25 :  Click Here N E W
Application Form  : Click Here

Enquiry :

Phone: 040-23111922 / 040-23111916
Email : pgcourses@nac.edu.in